- Promotion
- Communications Checklist
- Brand Guidelines
- Writing Tips
- Printers
- Photo & Video
- Yard Signs & Recycling
Below is a list of suggested ways you can market your programs or events at TCU. When you promote an event make sure you include all essential information such as event title, location, time, registration instructions if applicable, sponsoring department and contact information in case people have questions. Remember many of these resources take up to a week to get your information posted, printed or distributed so plan ahead.
Student Affairs Marketing created the social media strategic guidelines document to help unify Student Affairs messaging and provide guidelines and suggestions to those managing social media channels. It provides social media strategies to help staff engage and build connections between Student Affairs, TCU students, faculty/staff, families, alumni, and community partners. The primary purpose of Student Affairs and its departments being on social media is to connect with students, inform and remind of the Student Affairs services and programs available, and build an ongoing relationship with students through engagement.
Submission Guidelines
What2Do@TCU is designed to market events for students, faculty, and staff. This website is one of the most visited TCU websites so it is a great way to promote your program or event.
What2Do@TCU is limited to events sponsored by recognized student organizations, TCU departments, and colleges.
All content will be posted at the discretion of the administrator in regard to taste, acceptance of submission guidelines and overall editorial approval.
Image type and quality
Images must be submitted as a JPEG file and be at least 500px wide. This will help the image not look blurry.
Images should be no larger than 350KB, anything more will slow the site down and anything too small will show up pixelated.
Please submit files that are predominately image-based. Text-heavy graphics are difficult to read.
Try not to have text on the images. Less text will help the title of the event be more prominent on the screen and reduce clutter.
Submitting an Event
Go to http://www.what2do.tcu.edu
Click on the menu in the top right corner (purple box with three lines)
Select Submit Event in left menu that appears
Fill out the form with event information and upload your image.
For questions or concerns, please contact Mallory Odom at mallory.odom@tcu.edu
The library will post graphics promoting upcoming events on computer screen savers. The guidelines are as follows.
The announcement should promote an upcoming event, not advocate ideas and opinions. Announcements can be posted for a maximum of two weeks and must be sent at least one week prior to the first day you would like it to appear. Announcements may not contain text or images likely to be offensive to others. The library reserves the right to request revisions or reject any submissions.
When multiple announcements have been requested during a given time period, a “slideshow” screen saver will cycle from one to the next, displaying each for one minute.
Announcements should be in the form of a JPG, GIF, or PNG file, or a graphic embedded in an MS Word file. The maximum size is 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall. You may include URLs for web pages with more information about the event. However, users will not be able to click on the URL, so the URL needs to be short enough for users to write down quickly.
E-mail the file to Desmond Hemphill at d.hemphill@tcu.edu. In your email with the file specify the day you would like the graphic to begin appearing and the day you would like it to stop. If you have questions you can contact Desmond at 817-257-6101.
BLUU and King Family Commons
In order to produce the best content possible on digital signs, we recommend that the amount of text included on the graphic be easy to read at a distance. Generally speaking, larger is better. Criteria for image submission:
Must be in 16:9 landscape aspect ratio or portrait aspect ratio.
Must be at least 1920×1080 or 1080×1920 pixel resolution.
Must be a .JPEG or .PNG before it is sent to the Unions.
Must have an end date in the file name of the image.
Graphics must be submitted at least 5 business days in advance of the start date.
Graphics using TCU logos must utilize appropriate TCU brand standards.
Submitted graphics must be associated with a TCU student organization or department.
Images must not contain nudity or profane language.
Limitations of digital signage.
We will only show submitted graphics for a maximum of 30 calendar days.
We do not host videos of any format including gifs.
The University Unions staff reserve the right to remove submitted graphics that do not meet the required criteria.
To submit files go to https://union.tcu.edu/resources/and choose “Digital Signage Request Form.”
Mary Couts Burnett Library
There are two sizes of digital signage locations in the library, two small displays and one large. Email files to James Lutz at j.lutz@tcu.edu.
The requirements for the small digital displays located at the LIbrary West entrance and the lower-left screen near The Bistro are as follows.
File Type: png at 150 ppi resolution, landscape aspect ratio
Dimensions: 1920×1080
Required File Name: 1920x1080_YEARMODY_ContentName.ext
For example, a file name for a Movie Night that should be pulled from digital signage on 12/15/2021 would have the following file name – 1920x1080_20211215_MovieNight.png. YEARMODY (stands for year, month date)
The requirements for the large display located at the LIbrary East Lobby entrance is as follows.
File Type: png at 150 ppi resolution
Dimensions: 3840×1080
Required File Name: 3840x1080_YEARMODY_ContentName.ext
For example, a file name for a Late Night Breakfast in the BLUU t that should be pulled from digital signage on 2/1/2022 would have the following file name – 1920x1080_202221_MovieNight.png. YEARMODY (stands for year, month date)
Sid Richardson 3rd Floor Digital Displays
Designs must be in 16:9 landscape aspect ratio and at least 1920×1080 pixel resolution. Please send either a .JPEG or .PNG to Carol Brooks at carol.brooks@tcu.edu.
Please note this list will be adding new contacts and locations so please check back regularly.
Visit https://www.tcu360.com/adlab/ for more information.
Call 817-257-7426 or email ads@360.com to set up a meeting with an advertising executive.
Go to https://tcuannounce.tcu.edu/
You might need to log in with your TCU user name and password to confirm credentials.
Select “Create Post” in the top navbar and fill out the information/upload image into the form. We suggest selecting “University Announcement” in the Listing Location dropdown menu.
If departments are wanting to email all students or all faculty/staff, those emails must be sent out by Sue McClellan. Please email Sue for further information s.mcclellan@tcu.edu.
Be sure to work with Student Affairs Marketing to create a professional image that can be inserted into the body of the email to grab attention and increase the chances your message will be read.
Please note that all emails must be ADA compliant, we cannot just include an image.
If you would like to post an event to the TCU Events Calendar and you are a Student Affairs staff member please contact use this form.
To view the calendar visit https://calendar.tcu.edu/
You can use one section of the napkin holder to promote your event. The print size is 6 inches wide by 4 inches high and should be one-sided. You will need 110 copies to have one at each table in Market Square.
Your department is responsible for putting the fliers in the napkin holder and Market Square will remove them when outdated. Please do not insert fliers during peak dining times and do not remove existing dining fliers.
It is possible for your graphic to be removed by students, it is not Market Square’s responsibility to replace those if removed.
Before you print the napkin holder graphic, email the file to Swati Bharathi at dining@tcu.edu for approval. She is also the contact if you have any questions.
Residence Halls
To distribute flyers in the residence halls first email your graphic for approval to housing@tcu.edu. Once your flier is approved print and deliver 25 copies to the Residence Life Office located in the Pamela and Edward Clark Hall – Garden Level. They will distribute them for you. If you have questions you can call 817-257-7865 or email housing@tcu.edu.
Fraternity and Sororities
To distribute flyers in the fraternity and sorority residence halls print and deliver 25 copies to Amy Schroer in Fraternity & Sorority Life, 2nd floor of the King Family Commons Building. They will distribute them for you. If you have any questions you can email Amy at schroer@tcu.edu or call her at 817-257-7928.
Buildings Across Campus
Buildings across campus have different policies in regard to fliers. Before posting fliers to bulletin boards it is best to get permission from the Dean’s office or Department that is near the bulletin board in the building.
Yard Sign Cost through Facilities
Single-sided full-color $11.00/ea
Double-sided full-color $18.00/ea
Instructions to Order Signs
Have a high-quality pdf file of your graphic that is sized 18×24 inches.
Fill out a Design Request Form if you need help from Student Affairs Marketing to create this artwork.
If utilizing Student Affairs Marketing Campaign Implementation, we will put in the request through AiM to order the signs.
If ordering through individual department: You will need to give your AiM representative budget codes, sign quantities, and dates you need the signs. They will also need the pdf in order to upload the file.
If you have any questions specifically about signs you can call the sign shop 817-257-5292.
Allow a minimum of 5 business days for turnaround time.
The following information has been written to help Student Affairs create targeted, successful communications. Please take the time to review each step in the process.
Step 1:
Identify your target audience.
- Know basic demographics about them. Your target audience could include current TCU students, parents of students, faculty or staff, alumni or the Fort Worth community.
- Know basic psychographics about them. This consists of how they think, how do they best receive information and their behaviors and attitudes of the group. This will help you build a more detailed picture of your target audience.
Without knowing your audience, you don’t know what they need to hear or how they’d like the information presented. After you know your target audience well enough to speak to them, move on to step 2.
Step 2:
Know your main message – what is the benefit you are offering your audience that they need (the “big idea”).
- This can be anything from one word to a short, simple sentence.
- To come up with your “big idea” think about what your organization means to your target audience; what your organization does that sets it apart from all the others at TCU; and what are its key distinctions.
Student Affairs Division Distinctions
- Holistic programs designed by expert staff that integrates classroom knowledge with real-world experience.
- It provides opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and apply those skills on campus, in the community, and in the world.
- Builds community by connecting students to one another, the university and the community through programs that provide opportunities to serve, lead, and interact.
- Staff who mentor students to help them reach their full potential, discover their passion and define their future.
- Teaches students to connect knowledge and skills to daily living using an ethical and leadership-oriented approach to become responsible and ethical citizens.
- Challenge students to make their own decisions and accept the outcome of those decisions.
- Offers programs and services that foster health and wellness and establish lifelong habits.
Once you’ve defined the main message about your organization, you will want to make sure it is clearly stated in your communications.
Step 3:
Decide on what action(s) is required.
- ALWAYS include a call to action in any communication you develop. This should be a one-sentence statement that asks the reader to do something. It can be clicking through to your website for more information, going online to register for an event, or simply showing up to the event.
- This is a critical part of all communications because it requires the reader to respond and get involved.
Step 4:
Decide on your communication method.
- Now that you know who your audience is, what your key messages are and the call to action, you need to decide how you are going to best communicate with your audience.
- Options include social media graphics, website announcements, what2do@tcu, flyers, posters, brochures, digital screens, etc. Remember to think back to step one and who your audience is and how they best receive information. Check out the tab “Ways to Promote Your Programs” for ideas.
Step 5:
Design your communication
- To receive free assistance in designing your materials follow these steps:
- Fill out the “Design Request Form” on the Student Affairs Marketing website
- You will be contacted within 48 hours by someone from the Student Affairs Marketing department.
- Typically you will receive a proof within two weeks of sending your request form. If the project is complex the time frame could be longer.
- Key points to remember when submitting a design request
- Send your request at least two weeks before you need your finished file. This will allow time for edits to be made.
- After the design is finalized it will be the department’s responsibility for printing costs.
Step 6:
Proofread and Execute!
- Before you finalize a graphic, have two other people read over the communication piece.
- If you have access to someone in your target audience, ask them their opinion and utilize their feedback.
- Once you’ve received feedback, make revisions if necessary and proofread again, send it out or print.
Step 7:
Ask for feedback and use it.
- If you know someone in your target audience that received your message, take a few minutes to ask them how they felt about it, if they liked it, if they read the whole message and what changes could be made to better communicate with them.
- Use the feedback you received in your next message to your target audience. This will continue the effectiveness of your communication and build your brand.
In order for Student Affairs to build a strong brand on campus and in the community it is essential for all divisions to follow branding guidelines. If everyone works together, we will enhance the image of each department as well as the overall image of Student Affairs and TCU.
When each department uses the Student Affairs logo it creates awareness of what Student Affairs does and how imperative the division is to the TCU student experience. Below are the logo guidelines.
- The Student Affairs logo must be visible on all communications that departments develop. This includes printed materials, emails, websites, etc.
- The logo should be easily visible, large enough to read and high quality so it is not pixilated. If you do not have an electronic version of the logo please contact Susan Nethery at 817-257-5641 or susan.nethery@tcu.edu and she will assist you.
Below are examples of the approved Student Affairs logos for various departments.
General Tips on copywriting
There is one phrase you should have in mind when writing copy for any communication piece – “Keep it short, simple and to the point!”
- Emails and print collateral don’t need to be wordy. There’s no need to continue adding words if what’s being said isn’t relevant or necessary. The entire message should be easily read in approximately 30 seconds.
- If you can refer your target audience to a website or other easily accessible publication for more information, do it. This will allow for short messages that can be read quickly, and if the audience desires more information, they know exactly where to find it.
- If it takes people more than 30 seconds to read your entire message, or even appears to, people most likely won’t commit the time to read the entire thing.
- Always include a call to action. Remember this is the most important part of the message because it requires the reader to respond and get involved.
There are many companies that can help you print flyers, brochures, and signs. The list below includes vendors in Fort Worth that have experience printing for TCU and have been used repeatedly by departments at the University. It is recommended to get two quotes on printing services to ensure you are getting the best price.
On-Campus Printing
TCU Printing & Copying Services
Located in Grand Mac – 2865 West Bowie Street
Off-Campus Printing
Comark Direct
Julie Loeffelholz – juliel@comarkdirect.com
507 South Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76104
3300 Lawnwood Street, Fort Worth 76111
(817) 927-1819
Cockrell Printing
Lee Cockrell – lcockrell@cockrellenovation.com
218 West Broadway Avenue, Fort Worth 76104
Online Printing
Fast Signs
4947 S Hulen St, 7613
(817) 361-7997
TCU Physical Plant
TCU’s Center for Instructional Services offers free photography assistance. Contact John Van Pelt at j.vanpelt@tcu.edu or 817-257-6131 for more information.
TCU’s Center for Instructional Services offers free video equipment and production assistance for faculty and staff. There are two options to choose from when working with CIS depending on if the department will be filming, or using CIS to film for them. The equipment can be complicated and utilizing the free operators CIS can provide is highly recommended.
CIS Filming
CIS provides production equipment and operators for recording guest speakers, workshops, performances or other events on campus. Contact Lauren Kaiser at l.kaiser@tcu.edu or 817-257-7749 to get your event scheduled. A minimum of two weeks’ notice is recommended, services are available on a first-come-first-serve basis so the earlier you can get on the CIS schedule the better.
Department Filming
If a department is filming themselves they can borrow equipment from CIS by filling out the CIS Request Equipment Form. A minimum of 48-hour notice is required and students cannot request equipment, a staff member can request it on their behalf. When you borrow video equipment you are responsible for saving the footage off of the camera before you return it. Contact Lori Stowe at l.stowe@tcu.edu or 817-257-5020 for more information.
Student Affairs Marketing does not have the equipment necessary to record events or programs. However, we will work with you to create the final edited product including graphics, logos and music placement. Depending on the length of the video, production time could be longer than two weeks. Fill out a Graphic Request Form as soon as you know you have a video that needs to begin the process.
- Organization or Departmental logo must be visible on the sign or it will be removed.
- Expiration Dates: Include an expiration date in the bottom right corner.
- Event-specific signs, the default date is the date after the event
- Ongoing recruitment/informational signs must be removed by the Monday of Commencement week (December and May)
- Use TCU Brand Standards when designing
- Placement: Place in flower beds, not lawns, to avoid interference with groundskeeping.
- Remove expired signs promptly
- Drop them off at the SGA Office (BLUU – Intercultural Center) or other designated recycling locations. Both signs and stakes can be recycled.
- Signs can be printed through the Facilities Print Shop or by using an outside vendor.
- Print Shop information:
- Single-sided full-color $11.00/ea
Double-sided full-color $18.00/ea - Instructions to Order Signs:
- Have a high-quality pdf file of your graphic that is sized 18×24 inches.
- Fill out a Design Request Form if you need help from Student Affairs Marketing to create this artwork.
- If utilizing Student Affairs Marketing Campaign Implementation, we will put in the request through AiM to order the signs.
- If ordering through individual department: You will need to give your AiM representative budget codes, sign quantities, and dates you need the signs. They will also need the pdf in order to upload the file.
- If you have any questions specifically about signs you can call the sign shop 817-257-5292.
- Allow a minimum of 5 business days for turnaround time
- Single-sided full-color $11.00/ea
- Print Shop information: